

英 [æspɑ:'təs]
美 [æspɑ'təs]


  • n.


  • 学习《aspartase》怎么用


    Acquistion of aspartase activity in Rhizobium leguminosarum WU235
    Immobilized aspartase-containing microbial cells: preparation and enzymatic properties.
    Cloning and nucleotide sequence of the aspartase gene of Escherichia coli W.
    Taspase1 : A Threonine Aspartase Required for Cleavage of MLL and Proper HOX Gene Expression
    Enhancement of the activity of L-aspartase from Escherichia coli W by directed evolution
    Continuous production of L‐aspartic acid by immobilized aspartase
    Kinetic mechanism and location of rate-determining steps for aspartase from Hafnia alvei
    Crystal Structure of Thermostable Aspartase from Bacillus sp. YM55-1: Structure-based Exploration of Functional Sites in the Asparta...
    Structural and functional relationships between fumarase and aspartase. Nucleotide sequences of the fumarase (fumC) and aspartase (a...
    Amino acid-dependent growth of Campylobacter jejuni: key roles for aspartase (AspA) under microaerobic and oxygen-limited conditions...